Services for older people
Working with older people is of great importance to the Internationaler Bund (IB). Our main goal is to place the individual with their strengths and needs at the center of our work - in line with our guiding principle “Strengthening humanity”. Our dedicated team of professionals is accordingly specialized in understanding individual care needs and offering tailor-made solutions that meet the highest standards.
Our care philosophy
We place people at the center of our thoughts and actions and therefore of our work. The starting point of our work is respect for the individual, taking into account personal ideas, needs, resources, fears and hardships.
We base our professional actions on current professional principles in order to provide the best possible support and the highest possible quality of life, regardless of psychological and physical changes.
Through mutual recognition and the development of a trusting relationship, we support older people with and without care needs in their life activities.
Guidelines for our work with older people
- The dignity of the individual must be respected and is at the forefront of all care and nursing activities.
- We see old age as a phase of life that is characterized not only by support needs, but also by many resources and skills. We therefore advocate a differentiated view of old age and clearly oppose any form of age discrimination.
- Our image of the human being as a unity of body, mind and soul is reflected in the holistic approach of our work.
- Every person in need of help and care has the right to help themselves and to receive support in order to lead the best possible self-determined life.
- We offer comprehensive assistance to older people with and without care needs, taking into account their individual physical, psychosocial, cultural, ethnic and spiritual needs.
- The aesthetic design of the environment is of great importance for the quality of life of the people living in it.
- Allowing people to age with dignity directly corresponds to the spiritual foundations and moral imperative of our welfare state.
- We promote the process of inclusion; the aim of our services is the greatest possible participation in the community.
- We respect and promote the idea of diversity in our senior care services.
Services at a glance
We offer various care services, including outpatient and inpatient care as well as day care and leisure activities:
Ambulatory care
Our outpatient care services enable people to remain in their familiar surroundings while receiving the support they need. Our qualified care staff offer a wide range of services, from domestic services (such as washing, shopping, cleaning, etc.) and basic care to medical care.
Stationary care
In our inpatient facilities, we create a home for people who require intensive care and support due to health challenges. A warm and supportive environment, combined with professional care, is at the heart of our inpatient services.
Day care
Our day care facilities offer a relief option for those in need of care and their relatives. Here, our guests receive comprehensive care during the day and are involved in social activities, while returning to their familiar surroundings in the evening.
Leisure activities
Retirement usually coincides with the start of a new phase of life. The newly gained free time offers a variety of opportunities to pursue interests and activities. The IB offers various educational and leisure activities as well as meeting places in the form of senior citizens' clubs, for example.
There is also the opportunity to get involved in old age through the Federal Voluntary Service (BFD). All our vacancies for a Federal Voluntary Service (BFD) can be found here:
Open Federal Voluntary Service vacancies