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Contact point for refugees with disabilities

in the administrative district of Märkisch-Oderland

With our services at the contact point, we want to enable refugees with disabilities to independently claim their rights to recognition of their needs and the rights to support services by means of using the existing counselling structures.

To this end, we offer workshops and training courses in which background knowledge is provided in easy language on

  • Structures
  • Rights and obligations and
  • Processes and application procedures

Counselling centres can thus be classified thematically and misunderstandings be avoided. We also provide basic knowledge on dealing with disabilities. We encourage refugees concerned and residents to help each other at low thresholds (peer-to-peer guides), e.g. by networking in chat groups.

People who work in counselling centres, offices, health insurance companies, medical centres, care and transport services often don’t have enough experience in dealing with people from other cultures. In order to offer support to this group of people, they need help from an institution that mediates and accompanies them in a culturally sensitive way and thus builds a bridge into the existing structures.

With our activities, we want to close a gap in the counselling services in Märkisch-Oderland, as the existing services are not adapted to refugees with disabilities.

The main objectives of our project:

  • Strengthening and empowerment of refugees with disabilities and their families in Märkisch-Oderland,
  • Help to claim the right to recognition of their needs and the right to support services
  • Building-up a network of individuals, organisations and institutions where our clients can get help.

We are looking for you as a volunteer supporter. You can contact us by e-mail here: E-Mail schreiben

Please contact us if you are:

  • a refugee with disabilities and belong to his/her family and or a carer in Märkisch-Oderland or
  • if you are an institution or an office, an organisations or a person offering services for people with disabilities and/or for refugees.

Our office hours:

Please contact us by phone or e-mail: E-Mail schreiben
We will arrange individual appointments with you.

Overview of further information

You can find an overview of further information in our network map.

Latest News

In the download section you will find our flyers and the application form for the recognition of a disability.


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Slawa Wyrwicka

Direkt zum Kontaktformular


Anlaufstelle für geflüchtete Menschen mit Behinderungen
Otto-Langenbach-Ring 1
15344 Strausberg
funded by


Slawa Wyrwicka
Anlaufstelle für geflüchtete Menschen mit Behinderungen
Otto-Langenbach-Ring 1
Zur Routenplanung

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